Bari FoodSHIFT 2030 Accelerator Lab to kick off with their first event on the FAO World Food Day
30 September 2020
The Bari FoodSHIFT Accelerator Lab will encourage youth entrepreneurship and job creation through targeted capacity building services and education with an existing incubator. It will focus on testing the feasibility of the new entrepreneurs’ innovative and sustainable solutions, linking them to a renewed short food chain model (linking production, processing, distribution and consumption). The lab will support the ethical and responsible reuse of abandoned lands in the Bari area for use in social and technological food system innovation.
FAO World Food Day to be hosted in the City of Bari
From the 3rd to the 11th of October the city of Bari, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Agency for the development cooperation, has been selected to host the FAO World Food Day. The FAO World Food Day organises events and promotes activities and strategies to support the agri-food sector. Other partners of the World Food Day are the United Nations SDG Action Campaign, the European Commission through the DG DEVCO, Save the Children.
Ciheam Bari will be the local partner of the Italian Ministry, planning events, workshops, and meetings both in its premises and in the Fiera del Levante. The Fiera del Levante is the most relevant international fair in Bari and is usually the policy stage to report on current policies and projects, collect feedback from practitioners, citizens and announce future programming.
Considering the topics the WFD will cover this year, #together for the SDGs, the city of Bari received the commitment to identify the most initiatives and projects that match with the SDG 11 “Make cities safe, inclusive, resilient and sustainable”.
FoodSHIFT 2030 FAL Kickoff Event
This is a unique and special occasion to present the FoodSHIFT 2030 project for the nine days of the event which is attended by students, policy-makers, academia, grassroots movements and NGOs and to kick-off the Bari FAL. Ciheam Bari and the FAL team will have two events:
The first kick-off event will be in the Ciheam premises on the FAO World Food Day. The meeting will have the likes of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and 41 mayors/officers from the Metropolitan City of Bari. This event will connect and engage policymakers and stakeholders in the FoodSHIFT 2030 project and work on the principles of gathering interest in activating abandoned lands in the city for food production.
Fiera del Levante
The second kickoff event will be in the framework of the Fiera del Levante – World Food Day. Bari FAL will host workshops and host a ‘speakers corner’ on the different challenges FoodSHIFT 2030 project.
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