FoodSHIFT 2030 is putting citizens at the centre of food systems change in a novel approach to scale-up, multiply and share the best food innovations European communities have to offer.
ABOUT USIn partnership with engaged citizens, NGOs, SMEs, researchers, local administration and policy makers we’re establishing nine living labs across Europe to incubate local food system innovations. Through events, tools and resources, we’ll share these innovations and inspire everyone to join a food systems shift.
Barcelona, Spain
Solutions for local production in future cities.
Athens, Greece
Schools as sites of food experience and food system transformation.
Avignon, France
Public procurement as a driver for a more regional, sustainable and healthy food system.
Bari, Italy
Sustainable land use and food chain strategies for young entrepreneurs building on social innovation in food systems.
Berlin, Germany
An innovation hub for sustainable regional food supply based on a decentralisation concept for food distribution and education.
Integrating traditional and local producers into an innovative and ambitious regional food system.
Copenhagen, Denmark
Public procurement and professional kitchens for a sustainable regional food system, including rural and coastal areas.
ostend, belgium
Operationalisation of an agricultural park.
Strengthening of innovation potential of local sustainable food system.
Barcelona, Spain
Solutions for local production in future cities.
Greater Athens, Greece
Schools as sites of food experience and food system transformation.
Avignon, France
Public procurement as a driver for a more regional, sustainable and healthy food system.
Bari, Italy
Sustainable land use and food chain strategies for young entrepreneurs building on social innovation in food systems.
Berlin, Germany
An innovation hub for sustainable regional food supply based on a decentralisation concept for food distribution and education.
Bra?ov, Romania
Integrating traditional and local producers into an innovative and ambitious regional food system.
Greater Copenhagen, Denmark
Public procurement and professional kitchens for a sustainable regional food system, including rural and coastal areas.
Ostend, Belgium
Operationalisation of an agricultural park.
Wroc?aw, Poland
Strengthening of innovation potential of local sustainable food system.
The Toolkit resources support stakeholders in understanding, stimulating and measuring the transition of their local food systems. The resources are sorted into three types:
Innovation Cases, Knowledge Base and Living Lab Support to Transition.
Help transform the European Food System!