Living LAB: Peer learning event

20 October 2021

The FoodSHIFT 2030 project brings together urban communities committed to change in the way their food system operates. A consultation process between cities has identified common themes for peer learning. Involving citizens and people in urban food communities and initiatives is the theme of the first of several webinars. 

There are important dimensions to the places in which the communities in question participate. The first is the food local community. This community is a ‘community of interest’, i.e. a group of different people, who share a common interest for the food policy of the city, and related activities.

Beyond a community of interest that offers a framework for collective reflection, community engagement can be an active participation in “Citizen driven innovation” which are grass-root initiatives, that are new (in an incremental or radical way) and initiated by city-region inhabitants. 

The objectives of the webinar were the following: 

  • Sharing experiences in establishing local food community and initiatives, and in contributing to the success of citizens/people led initiatives 
  • Discussing main bottlenecks and difficulties 
  • Brainstorming about pathways and communication tools which could help (=solutions) 
  • Six cities actively participated in this learning process by exchanging experiences

Download the Report and Annex here: F2FAL Web#1 Factsheet.

Download reports per city:

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