EU FOOD 2030 Project Family
05 August 2022
EU FOOD 2030 Project Family, an introduction
The EU FOOD 2030 Project Family is a collaboration of five EU Horizon projects coordinating synergistic cross-project initiatives towards a sustainable transformation of the European food system aligned with European Commission’s FOOD 2030 and Farm to Fork Strategy.
This collaboration is a self-coordinated approach with project representatives attending quarterly planning meetings with an alternating project host and FoodSHIFT 2030 project hosted the latest EU FOOD 2030 Project Family quarterly planning meeting. Some of the joint cross-project initiatives include under development:
Producing joint webinars where key expertise and best practices from city-regions shared across the five projects and brought to public audiences
Expanding our collective reach by developing cross-project strategies for communication and dissemination and considerations for a joint Horizon Results Booster application.
Maximizing the impact of accumulative project legacy items with considerations for a joint EU FOOD 2030 Project Family Manifesto
Translating FOOD 2030 communications and key project messages into policy directives for the EU in the form of a providing a joint advocacy statement to the European Commission’s Sustainable EU food system initiatives open consultation for legislative framework for sustainable food systems.
This cross-project approach will be active for the foreseeable future and thereafter, it is the ambition that the Project Family is continuously carried forward by newly funded projects. Thus, providing a fundamental link enabling the pooling of synergistic expertise, outputs and tools that increase EU funding efficiency and have greater collective influence on the transformation of the European Food System.
Published by Luke Schafer
FoodSHIFT 2030 Scientific Project Manager