Schools as sites for Food System Transformation is a public event which will kick-off the Athens FoodSHIFT Accelerator Lab. The events aims to explore new approaches for overcoming the growing divide between consumption and food knowledge by engaging schools in (re-)connecting young people with the land.
The school utilizes the cooperation and interaction of community members by providing learning and information opportunities on the extremely important nutrition issues for tomorrow’s responsible citizens. Selected innovative school projects and actions at national and European level will be presented by EA partners in various relevant actions.
This is a parallel event to Open Classroom 2020, which invites Keynote speaker Prof. Christian Bugge Henriksen, leader of the Research Group on Climate and Food Security,University of Copenhagen, Denmark and coordinator of the FoodSHIFT 2030 project to present “Schools as sites for food system transformation”. These events will officially kick-off the FoodSHIFT2030 Open School Accelerator Lab of Athens (Lab Leader: Ellinogermaniki Agogi; Lab Host: Municipality of Pallini; Lab Assistant: Draxis) and its partners in the context of FoodSHIFT2030.
More information and registration via the Open Classroom 2020 website.