Photo credits: Nick Decombel Fotografie
Ostend Roundtable & Showcase
24-25 October
Welcome to the showcase in the coastal city Oostende! Ready to peel & taste North Sea shrimp?
The FoodSHIFT2030 team will reunite for a two-day visit to the Ostend Lab:
- On the 24th partners will discover the east-side of the city, that has transformed a lot during the last years. The traditional fishermen’s area now hosts new developments. The circular hub 0.666 invite us in their community garden, and we will hear the stories of innovators in Oostende. We will visit the brand new research facilities of two important scientific institutes: the Flemish Fisheries institute (ILVO) and Flanders Marine Institute.
- On the 25th the consortium will visit the Gardens of Stene, of which they have heard so much during the project. Also the Foodsavers & the social grocery Antenne will proudly present their activities.
After the two-day event, the FoodSHIFT2030 team will be in Brussels for the FoodSHIFT2030 Final Policy Conference on the 26th October.