Building short supply chains for local food economies
Public Webinar 15:00-16:30 CET, Tuesday 30 November
This webinar will be available with live interpretation in English and Romanian
From climate change to the coronavirus, the fragility of our food system has been laid bare in many ways over the last few years, particularly highlighting the tenuous supply chains that much of the industrial food system relies on. However, a variety of innovative ways for producers to get their food onto the tables of local communities have been developed through shortening supply chains.
This webinar will showcase examples of how citizen collectives, community supported agriculture and open-source software are contributing to new ways of connecting local products to local people. Speakers will share both the opportunities and challenges of the models they use, how it can help build more resilient local food economies and what this means for a lower carbon food future.
FoodSHIFT 2030 is focused on developing food systems that are driven by citizen innovation and low-carbon production. This webinar is a chance to demonstrate how shorter supply chains are viable working alternatives to industrial models, and the variety of positive impacts that arise from their use.
Speakers include:
- Silvia Schmidt, IFOAM (chair)
- Raluca Barbu, High-Clere Consulting, Brasov
- Nick Weir, Open Food Network
- Tom Uhnak, AMPI, Czech Republic
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