Short Distance Bazaar Wroclaw, Poland THE INNOVATION: The Bazaar is…
From Hunger Wroclaw, Poland THE INNOVATION: From Hunger was started…
LebensMittelPunkt (LMP) Torhaus Berlin, Germany THE INNOVATION: The LMP Torhaus…
LebensMittelPunkt (LMP) Lichtenberg Berlin, Germany THE INNOVATION: The LMP Lichtenberg…
Synapsis Bari, Italy THE INNOVATION: Synapsis is a foundation established…
Cooperativa Sociale Siloe Bari, Italy THE INNOVATION: Siloe is a…
Gaia Espirulina Madrid, Spain THE INNOVATION: Gaia Espirulina aims to…
Apple Reserve Walbrzych, Poland THE INNOVATION: Apple Reserve is an…
Center for Natural Disasters and Emergencies (TRATWA / The RAFT)…
Zero Foodprint Nordic Copenhagen, Denmark THE INNOVATION: Zero Foodprint started…
RÅHANDEL Copenhagen, Denmark THE INNOVATION: RÅHANDEL (Raw trade) is a…
Madland Copenhagen, Denmark THE INNOVATION: Madland, financed and founded in…