Our local FoodSHIFT Accelerator Labs (FALs) have each identified 10 inspiring innovators from their city region that have developed sustainable solutions for the improvement of the food system in their area. Across these 90 innovators, there are diverse initiatives that are unique examples of how a food system can be transformed from the inside-out; ranging from Community Supported Agriculture, roof-top beekeeping, to fermented food projects. Read more information in the Innovation Portraits Knowledge Hub Post and view the full snapshot profiles of these innovators are provided in the Innovation Portraits.
Tracceverdi Bari, Italy Tracceverdi is a Social Cooperative set up…
Domingo Club Barcelona, Spain Domingo Club believes that big changes…
Look Ma' No Hands Barcelona, Spain THE INNOVATION: Look Ma'…
Agrilocal Avignon, France THE INNOVATION: Agrilocal is a network platform…
Le Tipi Avignon, France THE INNOVATION: Le Tipi is an…
Des Pieds et des Mains Avignon, France THE INNOVATION: Des…
Federation of Hellenic Food Industries (SEVT) Athens, Greece THE INNOVATION:…
Healthy Seeds Wroclaw, Poland THE INNOVATION: Healthy Seeds is a…
Antenne Ostende, Belgium THE INNOVATION: Antenne is a social grocery…
Grønt Marked Copenhagen, Denmark THE INNOVATION: Grønt Marked is a…
BioKräuterei Oberhavel Oranienburg, Germany BioKräuterei Oberhavel is a small organic…