Program Manager, Ship2B Foundation. Flavia has an economic and business background…
Coordinator of the Milan Food Policy inside the Mayor’s Office…
Human geographer, sociologist, and co-founder of the Berlin Food Policy…
Co-founder and CEO of Nextfood, a food technology company offering…
Co-founder and administrator of Highclere Consulting. Raluca Barbu has over…
A Digital Artisan passionate about technology, crafts and nature. Adela Martínez…
Environmental engineer with an early passion for science and environmental…
Co-founder and Director at Food Matters. Victoria’s expertise centres on…
Regenerative Engineer. Trained in urban networks, construction and hydraulics, after…
Focused on the transformation to sustainable food systems in Germany,…
Passionate about transforming and innovating the agrifood industry by developing…
Co-founder of Agrain, a company with a mission to reinvent the food…